The last few years have been a departure artistically for me. I have simplified my palette. I have broadened my subject matter. I have intensely loosened up. A LOT! It feels good to paint outside the lines.
What does being an artist taste, smell, sound, and feel like? I am curious about what will materialize artistically for me this year. What will happen as continue to interpret my life journey and life story? I am hoping to see a lot of it end up on paper with paint and pencil.
In an effort to have a greater understanding of how our hearts and minds process our life experiences…I often attach my thinking to metaphors.
Boating, sailing, flying, hiking, long-distance walking & running, or other such activities require pre-planning. For instance, you need a map, a chart, a GPS, a weather report, specific attire, proper training, etc.
Visualize in your mind different reference points: landmarks (rock formations, mountains, bridges, roads, signposts) or navigation devices (buoys, lighthouses, marinas, the stars).
We are always charting our progress toward longer-range goals. We all need reference points, and a POI (point of interest) to help us figure out where we are going. This is true no matter how long or short the journey; this could equate to a day’s travel or a lifetime.
My 2023 word of the year is WAYPOINT.
Waypoint: noun
- a stopping place on a journey
- an intermediate point on a route or line of travel
Life is a journey full of pleasures and pain. What I have learned is there is more than one way to map a route. Sometimes these waypoints are an ending point on the leg of a course or only a midway point. We understand this when our physical surroundings or well-being is giving us clues. But what about our emotional well-being?
We have to listen to our inner voices, the gentle nudges that tell us if we should keep going or proceed with caution. Do you know when you should stop and turn around? There are unimaginable rewards when this inner whispering becomes inner understanding.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis
Be willing to move forward in faith, one step at a time.