Modern life is centered and built around predictability. What happens when our earth, loved ones, communities, and ourselves are sinking or drowning in uncertainty?
How do we anchor ourselves when we can’t control certain aspects of our lives? Remain calm no matter what is going on in your life. Try not to get caught up in spiraling negative energy. Meet and accept the struggles and the difficulties.
This blog post has taken weeks to formulate. Attempting to pull off all my thoughts, themes and ideas has been tricky. Metaphorical writing can be a great approach but can leave the writer and the reader with an abstract concept that might fall flat.
I thought about starting with: “Has the rolling tide of life thrashed you against the shore? Leaving you stunned and waterlogged. Can you safely swim back out, joining life's rising and falling swells? Do you stay on shore, catching your breath? Or do you decide to give up?”
Or what if I elaborated on the expression: “paddling your own canoe” which means to be independent and self-reliant, and to do things without help from others? Self-reliance is a terrific skill, one that helps build our self-confidence…
These themes were not working. Neither of these themes solved my urge to write about how we deal with uncertainty.
Do you reflect on life and see what you’re handling or what you have overcome? Are there obstacles, hiccups, or interruptions in your current plans? Were there past challenges, struggles, or circumstances you learned and grew from?
I’m all in favor of independence or being self-sufficient. My husband and I raised three amazing and independent kids! But how do we each navigate the stormy seas of life? Life is just too darn hard to do it all on our own. Who can help us navigate??
As we steer and navigate our individual lives, it’s evident that we need family, friendship, and community. These are some of the truest blessings life offers us. Yet, seeking and receiving external direction and guidance can only go so far if we want to continue to grow and develop.
Life is constantly testing our seaworthiness, our strengths, and our abilities. Life will throw us or those we love overboard sometimes.
What storms or turbulent waters are you going through? When has stormy weather impacted your life? Do you wade into the immense sea of feelings and emotions? Or do you stay shoreside avoiding and distracting yourself or fearful and worried? How do you learn to listen and discern what your inner voice is saying? Especially when the entire world seems “chaotic and adrift”.
We all have a deep spiritual current flowing within us. How we tap into that source is unique to all of us. I trust there is an all-loving, accepting, and forgiving God.
God wants to provide relief from your worries, stress, and anxiety. God wants to provide joy, peace, and compassion.
Try not to drift away from your faith when life's natural and emotional storms appear without warning or time to prepare. Calming the storms within us takes a lot of faith and trust. Living with constant change, and uncertainty requires endurance, resilience, and hopefulness.
God provides a life preserver for everyone. Life jackets, throw cushions, and personal flotation devices can save your life. Have you asked God to supply you with a life preserver?
God is steady, strong, supportive, and always within reach. God’s steadfast presence will help you remain calm even when life’s challenges require you to hold on extra tight. God is faithful in all circumstances.
Keep the faith.
P.S. God’s love is unwavering and unlimited. And faith is ultimately about LOVE and that’s the best life preserver we can hope for.