The treasure you seek…
Many dictionaries define “treasure” as 1) accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money, jewels or precious metals 2) wealth of any kind or in any form (riches), 3) a collection of precious things.
The word “treasure” fires up our imaginations 1) swashbuckling pirates, buried treasure and “X” marks the spot (Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous book Treasure Island comes to mind) 2) lucky charms, rainbows and pots of gold.
Museums have priceless treasures. American jazz is a treasure. We have family heirlooms or possessions we treasure. We use expressions like “she is a treasure”. But what is the treasure you seek? Are you pursuing fortune, fame or striving for some level of success? Is there something else you seek?
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. Irish heritage runs on both sides of my own children’s genealogy. My great, great grandmother stowed away on a ship and immigrated to the US as a very young lady. My husband's parents, his aunts and uncles, his 50+ cousins have inestimable enthusiasm regarding their Irish heritage and ancestry.
Irish mythology dates back to pre-Christian Ireland. Tales and legends of Irish folklore have been passed from generation to generation. This includes songs and dances for special occasions, holidays, weddings, birthdays… Fairies and leprechauns are symbolic of Irish lore. Who can’t help but smile at the thought of these tricky bearded fairy-elves and their mischievous behavior. Legend says if you catch one he’ll grant you three wishes, but don’t be greedy and don’t take your eyes off them!
The shamrock is the unofficial national flower of Ireland. Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, symbolically used the shamrock to illustrate Christian doctrine and the concept of the Holy Trinity. The three leaves of a shamrock also represent FAITH-HOPE-LOVE. Discover a four-leaf clover and be granted with God’s grace or a little bit of luck!
Pot of Gold (noun, phrase): something impossible to get or achieve; the realization of all one’s hopes and dreams; ultimate success, fulfillment, or happiness…
Who has not dreamed of finding the elusive pot-of-gold or a four-leaf clover. But we can’t fool ourselves in thinking we’ll satisfy all our hopes and dreams if we find one. Often we are rewarded when we reach a goal or destination (internal or external recognition/satisfaction). But isn’t the real “stroke of luck” in the journey itself?
Aren’t we gathering wealth and riches along the way? Your life is made up of moments, moments you share with others. When you share your hopes and dreams with others you are on the road to happiness. You discover your hidden gifts, you unlock a wellspring of courage and stamina — all helping you find purpose and overcome adversities. Our connection to the “greater good” reminds us to reflect on what we appreciate, cherish, value, honor and love.
“When you stumble and fall, there you will find gold.” — Joseph Campbell
If you ever feel lost — you can remember the “Luck of the Irish” by dancing a little jig, singing a little song or reciting an Irish prayer or blessing.
Sláinte agus táinte! (Cheers to Health and Wealth)
Irish Blessing:
May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day. May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.
The Prayer of Saint Patrick:
As I arise today,
may the strength of God pilot me,
the power of God uphold me,
the wisdom of God guide me.
May the eye of God look before me,
the ear of God hear me,
the word of God speak for me.
May the hand of God protect me,
the way of God lie before me,
the shield of God defend me,
the host of God save me.
May Christ shield me today.
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit,
Christ when I stand,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.