The Possibility  of Transcendence

The Possibility of Transcendence

Ledges, cliffs and rugged terrain —
     expansive carved layers of rock.

long x wide x deep

Rocks tumble and fall, an elevation
     too dangerous and difficult to climb.

steep x narrow x bottomless

Sheer rock walls,
     constricting chasms —

Slicing through valleys
     and hidden crevices.

What comes to mind?

Allure, mystery, adventure…
     or uneasiness and cautiousness.

Standing on the knife-edge, 
     canyon cliffs and rims. 

My spirit soaring across 
     the vast and liberating terrain. 

Freedom or Formation. 
[Human] Nature is unpredictable!

Embark on a new journey.

Nobody knows 
what happens next.
     Explore, discover more about yourself.

You will plateau.
     Hazards, risks, obstacles.

Jump the crevasse… 

Unveil your desired truths.
     Discover your hidden talents.

Travel this sacred terrain.
     Appreciate the beauty,
the challenges along the way.

Reflective light and warmth. 
     Splendor and grandeur.
Shadows, darkness —
     strength, resilience, transformation.


     The possibility of transcendence.

*knife-edge - a tense or uncertain situation, especially one finely balanced between success and failure.

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