Divine Love is within us. Love is all around us. Love is meant to be shared.
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My day job is being an artist.
Labeling ourselves with titles, roles, and job descriptions is easy. But this job is so much more than that and I want you to see your job in the same way.
Think broadly about identifying yourself through the lens of what “you do”. Maybe we should choose to identify ourselves with how we show up and engage with others and the world.
Our spiritual and work lives are intricately intertwined. We often separate our faith following and seeking from our roles as managers, networkers, volunteers, and career makers.
But what if we looked at the world and found God in everything?
What if we believed that God is in all people and all things?
What if we brought our gifts, energy, and inspiration into every aspect of our lives?
I pose these questions because I want to provide a little love, kindness, and joy in this experience we call life. We are all vessels of love.
It has taken me a while to truly believe that my art reflects how I witness the joy and suffering of the world. I’m spending quiet time discerning how to use it as an instrument of love and healing for others and as personal expression.
How might "all of us" outwardly embody the vocation of grace, love, and compassion into “what we are called to do in the world”?
I’d love to hear your comments.
Peace be with you,
“one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
Ephesians 4:6
#artandfaith #vocations #love #faith #hope #peace #discernment