My Backpack

My Backpack

Montana was amazing. If you love mountains and blue skies I highly recommend it! I overpacked but I wasn’t sure what to expect weather-wise. Would it snow or would we have 80-degree days? 

I’ve done a lot of schlepping in my life. Schelping involves moving, carrying, loading, packing, and organizing. As a mom, I have learned to anticipate different scenarios — it was to be expected someone would be hungry, thirsty, tired or bored on any given day or outing. 

Some days life feels like a lightweight carry-on bag, easy to tuck under our seat or conveniently in the overhead bin. But what about the days we can hardly push, drag, or lift our bags? Do we just stow them away and wonder if we’ll ever see them again?

When I visualize this baggage, a backpack comes to mind. Backpacks are awesome. They have compartments, buckles, straps, and lots of zippered pockets. Some of you can relate to how advanced backpacks have become. They distribute weight across your back, there’s room for snacks, your water bottle, and a variety of personal belongings.

We all carry physical and emotional baggage. The dictionary describes emotional baggage as “intangible things (such as feelings, circumstances, or beliefs) that get in the way”. 

I’ve reached a stage of life where I am re-evaluating what I need to carry. Am I carrying what is essential? Are there things that are weighing me down or impeding my journey? Would lightening my load be easier on my mental, physical and spiritual body? 

It is not far stretched to suggest we pack for the elements (rain, wind, heat, cold…). Have you ever forgotten to pack necessary things like sunscreen and paid the price with a blistering sunburn? What about being drenched in freezing rain because you left the raincoat in the car? Wouldn’t that backpack be a great place to stash that extra book you feel like reading?

In kindergarten, we learn to carry our lunch box, in middle school our homework, in college our laptop… Have you ever thought about what else you stow in your backpack? Our problems, worries, fears, expectations, goals, obligations and aspirations. That’s a lot to carry!!

Everyone’s backpack is unique. Maybe you need to unpack and repack your backpack. If the time feels right make room in the backpack. Take out the things that are weighing you down. Make room for the things you didn’t know you needed…a little compassion, and a few ounces of forgiveness, understanding, and unconditional love.

Unburden yourself. 

Find companions, guides, dear friends and family that desire to find their way with you. Don’t forget, we need others to support us when our backpacks get too heavy or our life journey gets messy.

No matter how you look at it, “Life” is an inward journey to our true selves. Perhaps my backpack is symbolic of my ever-emerging soul. Fill your backpack with hope, optimism, and a whole lot of trust. You’ll feel lighter, and more peaceful, and be better prepared when your faith is put to the test.


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